Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Can't we all just get along?

Fortunately, our multi-racial family gets along a little better than this (maybe because the PowerMac is more indimidating than the iMac)! Though, Husband did just trade some gun parts for a PC laptop--tipping the Mac/PC ratio 2 to 3 in his favor.

We're like a small scale model for world peace--a world where Steve Jobs and Bill Gates skip through the daisies holding hands. Awwww.


Anonymous said...

Yesterday. Did you feel it? There was a definite shift in the force. David's brand spanking new iPhone had something loose in it that would rattle when you shook it. He made an appointment at the Apple store and instead of being told flatly by some vacant-eyed teenager to simply "not shake it" he was instead handed a replacement brand spanking new iPhone.

That's when it happened. The heavens parted, the ground shook, all the animals bowed in reverence: David became an Apple guy. He came home and declared that our next computer will be a Mac--no matter the cost. So you see my dear, you might be losing the battle on the homefront, but ultimately, the war is being won! :)

Dori said...

I'! So, the iphone thing, that didn't have anything to do with him using it as a lightsaber, did it?! The whole shaking thing?

Maggie May said...

Just came over via Suburbia (I think) and noted you have Macs & iMacs in your house....... so do I! I noted some Japanese or is it Chinese writing? My grand daughters are part Japanese......... Is that a couple of things we have in common or not?
Like your blog.

Dori said...

Hiya, Maggie May! Thanks for stopping by! We're actually a Mac/PC family. I have yet to convert the husband over to Macs and as long as he keeps building his own computers I don't think I will. The writing is the Chinese symbol for "Serenity" and is a link to my husband's blog--read at your own risk!