Monday, September 29, 2008

Just another Manic Monday...well, not really.

No, Jacob. You may not keep it.

Pleeeeeese, Mommy?


But he likes me.

That's swell. Now go inside and wash your hands. Please.

And for the ladies.
He begged and pleaded for these socks. They're my size--just one or two sizes too big for the little man. But he really, really wanted the ones with Frankenstein's monster on them. Sigh. So, these are the ones he chooses to wear. Every time. Every day.

Oh, he was watching an airplane fly over. Clutching his "light saber".
Eternal Vigilance. Not just a saying at our house.


MissKris said...

My 30 year old son had Superman pajamas with a detachable cape and cowboy boots that he was obsessed with at the same age as your little guy here. He had such a skinny little rear we had to use suspenders to keep the bottoms up! I hadn't thought about this in years...thanks for triggering such a sweet memory!

Suburbia said...

That's soooo funny! Small Sprog is very particular about what he wears too, and it doesn't always coordinate, although he's better now he's older.
Small Sprog insists the weapon's called a light saver ! We're all for saving the planet here ;)