Politics, politics, politics!
Although I am a registered member of the Libertarian political party I will be voting for the Democratic candidate in the up coming presidential election. Maybe you've heard we were holding one of those things over here. No? Then may I join you on your deserted island?
Anyhoo...I decided to show my support for the presidential candidate of my choice and order some lawn art. There's a McCain '08 yard sign down the street. It would have been fun. Unfortunately, I have been asked to please not display something like that on our front lawn--due Husband's police cruiser parked out front. Might give someone the impression the county had an opinion. But I was planning on sticking a campaign poster in the back window of my car. A lovely Barack Obama '08 sign in blue. For the bargain price of $2.50. Then the website store calculated my shipping charge for $8.65.
Sigh. Sort of sums up American politics and economics, doesn't it?
Omgosh, are you serious? You were literally ASKED not to display a pro Obama sign??? How horrible! Even the government doesn't dictate to us what we put in our yards, even if we lived in military housing, which we don't, thankfully. Anyway, I think you are voting for a fine man. It's good to know you have GREAT taste.
PS...why do you keep removing me from your favorites place? Am I ugly or something? :o)
Have an amazing night tonight!
Gee, I'm not sure why I removed your blog off of my blogroll, Miss I Don't Want a Blog Anymore, Oh, Wait, Maybe I Do.
And you read an awful lot of confrontation into my posts! Sean just simply asked that I not put up a political sign in the yard. Not a big deal. He's not putting one up for his party. Yes, we vote differently. But we're nice about it. :D
Regarding the slogan on that poster.Do you get the kids cartoon 'Bob the Builder' over there? His slogan (in case you don't) Is: "Can he fix it? Yes he can!"
Hee hee!
Now I'm just humming the tune!
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