One particular friend that I was given didn't seem so special at first. After all, she was my boss. Amy was the wait staff manager of the small pub I worked at where we lived before we lived here. Okay, so there were only three of us to manage--but she was technically our boss. Somehow, amongst the Guinness and Irish folk music, a friendship emerged. And to this day--9 years later--she remains one of my dearest and bestest friends.
Her daughter--our adorable god daughter, Amanda--was and is Jacob's first love. He ignored his presents on his first birthday just to flirt with the cute blond.
Even now--as long as Jacob isn't screaming or making other loud noises--they enjoy being together. Last week they caught fish This Big!
1 comment:
YES, We are happy....boy I make it sound like her and I are having the baby. It's truly amazing isn't it. I couldn't be happier for her. I think back on all the teary conversations we had and it was so funny, she had just resigned to the fact that she wasn't ever going to have another. Friendship is a gift, one that I am glad you both share with each other.
Have a great night!
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