Jacob, once again, was quite the helper. Even helped ice the cake later...completely unsupervised. That was a surprise.
I have in my possession my grandmother's red and white checked Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. It has yet to fail me on baking recipes.
No, the cell phone was not staged. Sean was instructing at the range all day and kept texting me and whining about...er, um...chatting about the Stupid People and their crazy antics.
That's also Grandma's bundt pan...it's never failed me either. It looks like fake eggs and butter worked just fine!
Someone really, really wanted to help Daddy blow out his candles...he was restrained until we had at least finished singing. Just imagine if I'd put all forty candles on there--we'd have all needed to help out!
Wanna slice? There's still some left...and it's good too!

the cake was great...so was the evening out with you guys! I ate so much brisket and shrimp that I didn't even fight Sammy off when he took my last chunk of cake :)
looks scrumptious, and love the squiggly candles!
Jacob chose the candles--he wanted the ones that looked like ocean waves. He was so pleased to be able to help!
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