This list was more difficult. Due more to an inability to put concepts into words than for brevity. And it has only been in recent years that I've come to realize the magnitude of gifts handed down from my dad.

It's never wrong to stand up for what you believe in--even in the face of adversity
Poetry is actually pretty cool
An unquenchable desire to know Stuff and to know how Stuff works
More importantly--how to put Stuff back together once
I've taken it apart in a quest for knowledge
Even girls need to know how to change a tire and change the oil.
Whenever possible, use the proper tool for the job--even if it means you have to go out and purchase that one specific tool you need. Everybody will be happier for it.

Learn from every experience...builds character!
If you're going to learn something, learn it well. Practice often.

Easy on the clutch
Motorcycles are, indeed, Amazing Things
Use the front and rear brakes together

Love animals
It's never too late to learn new things
Read. Read. Read.
Computers are Useful Tools--know how to use one!

The written word can be a very powerful tool--use carefully and judiciously.
Choose your battles
It's never too late to broaden one's mind
Be independent
Love out loud
Treat each day as an amazing gift
Love you, Daddy! Happy Father's Day!

Wow! You are blessed with those lessons and the dad that taught them to you.
Ahhh, what a nice tribute!
Your dad is a great man. My dad admired him greatly (and I as well still do).
What an amazing post! I loved the pictures and words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing them so that they can be passed down to others.
P.S. I really like your side widget for Tolerance. SO true (coming from a history teacher).
The one hammered in to my brain my entire chidhood, having been the only girl in a household with 3 brothers, was "You can do anything the boys can do." That's served me well all thru life.
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