"Well, that's fine too." I told him, "They do tend to be more of pests than anything else."
"No, Mommy," he replied. "I don't want fairies here because everyone knows they walk on poop all day."
Well, everyone knows that now.

*in case you're interested about the stamp look here...
Although we've always felt sprites are dirtier than fairies, really, they all walk about in bare feet now, don't they!?
I laughed for five minutes!
Tee! Hee! EWWWW! Yuck, well that gives a whole new meaning to the term fairy dust. I love fairies and that stamp is pretty cool :)
So funny (I didn't know that!)
I don't know... doesn't this sound like something an evil older sister would have said to scare her little brother? Or at least that's what would have happened at MY house. And did. Often. :)
Thanks for a WTF moment so early this morning!
Kids say some of the most incredible things. That is priceless.
LOL! Out of the mouth of babes, for sure. This really dates me, but on the Art Linkletter Show there was a segment where Mr. Linkletter asked small kids questions and they came up with some of the most priceless answers ever. "Kids Say the Darnedest Things" was a huge bestseller when he wrote it several decades ago. I'll never forget the time I was in 4th grade and our teacher asked what people from Mongolia are known by and I piped up and said, "Mongoloids!" I couldn't understand her totally shocked reaction at the time...but of course I do now. Good grief. And of course that's a totally inappropriate answer in this politically correct world. But in 1964 it made sense to me!
HAH!! Have you ever heard about Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book? It's a "diary" of fairies that the little girl found and "pressed." Absolutely priceless (but I got it at Barnes & Noble for a reasonable price).
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