Thursday, December 4, 2008

Random bits and no pictures!

The Husband is sleeping off his pain medication...softly snoring on the couch. He had put in The Fellowship Of The Rings with the best of intentions, but now it's just me watching it.

Apparently he is now legend at the V.A hospital. The team of anesthesiologists who prepped him for surgery this morning informed him that policy changes were put into effect immediately due to the circumstances surrounding his last visit to their fine, fine surgical ward. I know we made light of it at the time, but honestly? It was a screw up of epic proportions. And I'm glad to know that they have taken steps to insure the same thing doesn't happen to someone else.

My parents arrived safe and sound--jet lagged--but on time. Oh, did I not mention they were coming back to the States for Christmas? We actually managed to keep it a secret from the grand children as well. Not an easy task, pulling something over on those five! Kyleigh, Jacob and I drove out and spent Tuesday night with them. I had supper waiting when they arrived. Then, yesterday morning--after coffee and pancakes--I left my children with Kokoo and Babu and drove home. Jacob's reaction to being left?
Yeah, I love you, Mommy...bye.

The Husband and I then managed to check various items off of our "To Do" list...moulding up in the living room, move Kyleigh's crib from our room to Jacob's room, scrub the grout in the bathrooms...go on a date with your beloved...went to a movie--I know, that's just crazy! Then up at 5am to be at the V.A. by 6.

I discovered that my GPS is missing a feature. The button that says, "Bruce--GPS dude--it's 5am. Tone down the chipperness, just keep reminding me of my turns and tell me to actually get the change for the toll out of my pocket before I get to the toll plaza!" But I suppose that would be too much to put on a button.

We were once again reminded today how precious life is. There are those at the V.A. who are in far, far worse circumstances than we are. Old men in wheelchairs, a man laying on a gurney wheeled outside to smoke, veterans, missing limbs, lives shattered.

Tonight, I'm grateful. For my children upstairs--now sharing a room. For my husband--broken, yet on the mend. My parents--exhausted and jet lagged, yet still they kept my children for two days. For my bed--to which I am now going, and for the first time in over a year, a bed without a crib at its foot. *Sigh* I know. It was time. But I'll miss hearing her softly breathing, stirring.


randompawses said...

Holy crap, hon, I just read the other post -- I know screw-ups happen, but that one was just inexcusable! I am glad to hear your hubby's finally had his surgery and it sounds like things went well. Keep us posted, okay? I'll be sending good thoughts your way!

Marit said...

Lovely post.

Captain Tightpants said...

I just want to take a moment to very publicly thank and praise my wife here - it takes an incredible person to deal with no sleep, a husband doped up on meds and generally useless for a few days, two very intelligent very active children, two animals, all the house stuff I normally do PLUS the stuff she already takes care of each day, relatives in town, trying to sort out a new job, and the five billion other things I don't even realize - and not only manage it all without going insane or killing us all, but to make it look as easy as she does beautiful.

Thank you my love!

Irene said...

Juts wanted you to know that I am thinking good thoughts about you all and wish you so much good and health and well being. Hang in there and I hope you get to enjoy the holidays a bit.

Anonymous said...

Life has many blessings to offer. I'm glad you take the time to enjoy and appreciate them. They are so much sweeter that way :)