Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gramps would be so proud!

Jacob's been singing the Monkey and Gingerbread song...

Had a little monkey
Took him to the country
Fed him some gingerbread
Long came a choo choo
knocked him coo coo
Now my little monkey's dead!
Boo hoo!

I may have had something to do with teaching him that...but you need to understand that I come by the warpness naturally. You know, one of the many things I've been handed down.

My grandfather (Gramps) taught me Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Only...not...

Propel, propel, propel your craft
Swiftly down the liquid solution.
Ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically
Existence is but an illusion!

And, yet--I'm surprisingly normal. I am. Honestly.


Irene said...

I believe you. I like your grandfather's version. It's more up to date.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm...well...alrighty then!


MissKris said...

Hmmmm...with your comment moderation I'm not sure if it posted or not to you...the internet's a little loopy this morning. I won't worry about the rest of what I wrote, but I do want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Dori!

Donia said...