I bribed a nap out of Jacob with the promise of a visit to the Aviation Museum . It's there at the airport so we just left a little early to go pick up Daddy. Of course I forgot my camera. I did, however, have my new 21st century camera phone. Now I just have to figure out how to get
those pictures off of the phone and onto my computer. So far no luck.
So, for your viewing pleasure, I have posted a couple pictures of the baby from this week. Her first introduction to the teething biscuit. I think she likes it. And I was reminded why we gave these to Jacob just before bath time.
Oh, and yes--I do clean this chair! I just happen to have very over achieving children. We find surprises behind the radiator
all the time!

This is the toy that had them so excited the other night. The girls would have played with it forever if the boys hadn't been all rowdy! From the look on my daughter's face it would appear that one of these needs to be at our house!
Look at little Dori...I mean Kyleigh :o)
They are to cute at the age....well they are just to cute at any age, aren't they :o)
Lovely photos, she is so cute!
Is your husband home now then?
lol, yeah, they would have enjoyed it a lot more if the boys hadn't insisted on trying it out as well!
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