My sister commented not too long ago that the pictures I put on here of my son were misleading--he truly is not a still child and neither is he serene. He has his moments. But then he's off once again. So, here you action shot. Nice and blurry. Neither of my children managed to stay still for this one!
Now all are asleep. And we have a day and a half until daddy comes home!
Just looking at all those youngins makes me tired ;o)
that's a lovely picture. it looks like there's something there to be very energetic about!
How fun! How lucky to be perfectly matched with someone you actually like! :) COOL!
Glad to hear he's almost home. Have you gotten into your emergency stash of tea yet? Or you still doing ok?
Sorry, Amy, did you say tea or tequila?
And that baby slept all night! We wore her out!
lol, only tea? With husband gone all week, I would have thought that the tea would be long gone!!! If not, then after the afternoon & evening I know we were all very tired!!! We loved spending time with you guys!
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