Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The crawling game...

Kyleigh spent most of today exploring Kokoo and Babu's home--there's a lot for a 7-month-old baby girl to find! Dead bugs, newspapers, big brother's toys, power cords...

And this is what happens when Mommy puts the computer down at her level--for those who didn't believe me when I said she was crawling!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, look at her. Why don't they believe she is crawling? Kailea crawled really early, like five months and was walking by the end of her seventh month. Cody walked and crawled early to, but not like Kailea.

Did you guys have a great Memorial Day weekend?

So, your parents moved here from Africa??? or did they just buy a house here????

Take care Dori and Have a great night!

Anonymous said...

No new blogs lately? You and Amy must have gone into hiding together. Hope all is well there! Take care.