Well, here you go. This is it. The nerve center of Kuona Productions. What didn't make it into the picture is the desk top's monitor--mainly because I didn't want witnesses to the mahjong game kicking my butt.
I'm currently editing simultaneously in NTSC and PAL formats--that's what happens when one has an international client and both formats were used in filming. Fortunately for me--and my budget--the Apple gods made Final Cut capable of doing just that! I did, however, have to purchase a PAL camcorder to play back the PAL tapes (which is why there's a camcorder hooked up to Mini Mac).
And my other piece of essential equipment--without which I would get little to no work done. The swing. Having a very tolerant, happy baby certainly helps as well!
Omgosh, Dori, look at her. She looks just like you. I can't believe how big she has gotten.
I agree with Gina. She's a little Dori clone. Adorable.
He's so cute!
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