Monday, May 19, 2008

Behind the glamor...

Some person, with nothing better to do, might be wondering what the work space of a "free lance video editor" looks like.

Well, here you go. This is it. The nerve center of Kuona Productions. What didn't make it into the picture is the desk top's monitor--mainly because I didn't want witnesses to the mahjong game kicking my butt.

I'm currently editing simultaneously in NTSC and PAL formats--that's what happens when one has an international client and both formats were used in filming. Fortunately for me--and my budget--the Apple gods made Final Cut capable of doing just that! I did, however, have to purchase a PAL camcorder to play back the PAL tapes (which is why there's a camcorder hooked up to Mini Mac).

And my other piece of essential equipment--without which I would get little to no work done. The swing. Having a very tolerant, happy baby certainly helps as well!

Yep. Beats a cubical and a time clock any day!


Anonymous said...

Omgosh, Dori, look at her. She looks just like you. I can't believe how big she has gotten.


Melanie said...

I agree with Gina. She's a little Dori clone. Adorable.

Suburbia said...

He's so cute!