Following a couple more springtimes and a great deal of unguided
and often times ignorant care...this year, our patience has been rewarded...
and often times ignorant care...this year, our patience has been rewarded...
Reason #31 to enjoy living in the south. The neighborhood is simply breathtaking this time of year.
The dogwoods and Japanese maples in full color add an
amazing back drop for everyone's azaleas.
And then I just have wee little miscellaneous flowers popping up in the yard...
Ah...yes...the Straw Bale Garden. So far, so good. I can report that the plants are, indeed, still alive. I can't, however, report any growth. We're still holding on though. Maybe they just take longer this way. I say that the fact they aren't dead yet is a good sign.
Remember last weekend? The 90 degree weather that I dragged
my poor children out into? Yeah, she wasn't too happy.
my poor children out into? Yeah, she wasn't too happy.
But watching Daddy demonstrate the new EOD robot was pretty cool...
Beautiful flowers!!! We have some of those same ones in our yard and they add so much!!!! Love your house too, too cute!!!! I love the south all EXCEPT the humidity!!!
Excellent pictures of the straw bale gardening! I was meaning to ask about that this week.
You know, Tina, I'm even okay with the humidity...you know--now that I don't have to go through another summer pregnant! And, thanks! I love this house too--flaws and all.
Melanie, I did plant some of the tomatoes in pots again--just so I could be sure to have some at least! But I'll keep you updated on the bales...they're composting really well, just not sure about root growth. We'll see.
I'm just clapping for you guys and doing the cheer. You know the one.... O.T! O.T! O.T!!!! HURRAY!!!!!
Your yard looks great - evil people with decent weather. But we think the snow might actually be done until at least October. Wooo hoooo!!! Keep us up to date... we love old houses.
Lovely, lovely house and beautiful flowers! What things to enjoy :-)
Beautiful home, and beautiful garden. It was worth the time and the effort.
Elise, I don't think any garden I tend can possibly match yours! You've inspired me to plant tulips everywhere this year!
Thanks, Brigid! It certainly makes me look good to have such amazingly resilient plants! I couldn't save the dogwood...that made me sad. But one is being planted in the back to take it's place.
There's still a lot to do--inside and out. For every thing checked off of the list we seem to add 5 more. After being stuck inside working on the downstairs' bathroom all last summer we're ready to focus on the outside now. But I still love this house! Every squeaky square foot of it. Though I'm not looking forward to taking apart another cast iron tub--and figuring out how to get it downstairs!
wow...spelling now, are we??
What a cute house! I would have fallen in love with it too!
I just wanted to tell you that I am thankful for all the kind comments that you leave on my blog. Thank you for reading.
I also love reading your blog too!
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