Firefly in the morning...
Both children were up with the sun this morning. Their Kind and Loving father got up with them. Did I mention it was early? And that I was allowed to stay in bed? Even though I wandered downstairs not too much later there's just something about being able to wake up at my own pace--as opposed to being in demand by creatures great and small the instant my eyes open (or are forced to open)--that just makes 7 am just a little more bearable.
On my way to the kitchen for Coffee I glanced into the living room. The three most important people on the planet were snuggled together watching an episode of Firefly.

It made my heart smile.
love your signature, and firefly looks like something I would enjoy too!
Awwwww! What a nice hubby and morning. That never happens here unless I'm deathly ill or it's Mother's Day. I know what you mean about mornings though, everyone needs mom! Never heard of Firefly before, looks interesting.
Lovely image... and I am a Summer Glau fan :)
By all means...check out the series! Futuristic space set up like the wild, wild west--not a lot there not to like! Watch the series first, then watch the doesn't make a lot of sense the other way around.
Hi, Fi! Welcome to the madness! I've just never had a chance to watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles but I know Miss Glau is fantastic there as well!
What a sweet mental picture...the grandboys and I snuggle down first thing in the morning in our oversized rocker/recliner for episodes of PBS children's shows. Some mornings for 5 minutes. Some mornings for an hour. Is there anything sweeter than little boy/girl bodies snuggled up next to us?? Treasure them...they're gone in an instant.
Oh y goodness. I thought my Dad, kids, and I were the only ones who watched that! We even have the special edition movie! :)
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