Saturday, May 9, 2009

Handed down from my mother...

Spunky, Fiesty and Smart trump Submissive, Docile and Ignorant any day

Size does not matter if one is mighty in one's soul

Sometimes a road block really does simply mean
that's not the road you're supposed to take

When God closes a door, he always opens a window

Never pogo stick on gravel

Play...a lot

Sewing doesn't make one domestic--it makes one useful also helps keep family members from getting lost.

Making meatballs for your daughter--even though you really do not
enjoy the task--makes your daughter feel pretty darn special when she walks
in the door for lunch and sees meatballs.

Being your child's biggest supporter and fiercest defender
is a pretty Big Thing in parenting

Never waste an opportunity to celebrate

Birthdays are Very Important Days
Allow your child to make mistakes--even if they're super dooper big ones

Love unconditionally

Reveal your own mistakes and weaknesses

Show fear

Show courage in the face of that fearGo about the impossible with fierce tenacity

Enjoy the moment when the impossible has been made possible

Goals and dreams are attainable--without sacrificing family

Take care of yourself--inside and out

Follow your heart

Follow your own rhythm

"Bloom where you're planted"

Be impulsive

Have Faith

Be faithful.

Thanks, Mama...I am, indeed, a blessed daughter.
Happy Mother's Day!


Suburbia said...

Beautiful post, lovely sentiments and great pics! (happy mothers day to you!)

Unknown said...

LOVELY!! Oh, and ... "Never pogo stick on gravel" ... true, but SO hilarious.

mrs. fuzz said...

What a great tribute to your mother and I love the pictures! I especially love the plaid suits. You gotta love "Never pogo stick on gravel".

Happy Mother's day Dori!

Dori said...

Not too many years ago my mom showed up at my house after spending the day with my sister and her younguns...sporting a lovely black eye. My oldest nephew was showing off his pogo stick skills and Kokoo just had to try it...bounced off of the grass and onto the gravel drive. Years from now I hope I have the good sense to not act my age either!

Donia said...

once again, speechless...

Dori said...

It has been a fairly profound week, hasn't it. Hope you didn't mind the pictures...probably should have asked you first.

Because of Love said...

What a sweet post!