Due to my annual bladder infection keeping me up last night I was forced to wake up Sean after he'd only managed a few hours sleep from working last night so he could watch the kiddos while I sat and waited at a doc in the box...
Fortunately (?) I've been going to the same place and Doctor Lady was smart enough to pull up my past visits and see that even though the sample there didn't show anything, once cultured it'd show the lingering strep B that rears it's ugly head about once a year and went ahead and sent me home with drugs...
Sean has been home all weekend--much to the delight of us all...
The kiddie pool came out of the shed--once again, much to the delight of all--though a little worse for wear. Not sure if it's going to handle two rambunctious wee ones jumping in and out of it all summer...
Friday afternoon I'm leaving to spend two nights away from my family. Not sure how I feel about that...giddy and then guilty about the giddiness...
Saturday I'm spending the night with a friend I grew up with. We were roommates in high school in 10th grade. I haven't seen her in sixteen years. Pretty excited about that...about seeing her again, not about the fact I haven't seen her since just before I left for bootcamp...
A lot to still get done in the next two days...working out last minute details for the Little-Big Adventure triathlon that is the reason for me going out of town. And, no. I am not participating. I am simply the public relations team for the event...
Job wise--life should calm down a little next week and I can dive into the pile of projects over there in the corners that I've been neglecting and ignoring...
So there you have it...

Thanks for giving us an update... be well, travel safe.
Love this drive through though, so much information! Who is it you're going to visit? I wasn't around in tenth grade, so I have no clue and am curious ;-)
ENJOY your free nights, and leave the guilt by the wayside :-)
And most of all, I hope you feel better soon!
I went away completely by myself for the first time EVER in my life when I was...hmmm...33, I think it was. Before that, I either travelled with someone or had someone to meet/stay with at the other end. Never, ever totally alone. At this particular time I was working a totally chaotic full-time job...the kids were little. My mom had just been diagnosed with colon cancer. Lots going on. When I told Dear Hubby I needed to just get away and vegetate, he stepped up to the plate and told me to go for it. I drove to Lincoln City on the Oregon coast. I had a "Captain's Nest" little suite way up on the third floor of a converted Coast Guard dorm that had been turned in to a small motel...it even had a little fireplace. I bought groceries the day I arrived and I don't think I left that place for the 5 days I was there. I didn't read. I didn't write. I mostly sat at the huge window and stared out to sea. It. Was. Bliss.
Dnjoy your time away, Dori.
We ALL deserve it.
Elise, I'm staying with Michelle and
her family...strangely enough, I met her husband when we were kids as well. His dad's church supported my parents.
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