We do our best to keep our children's world as a haven where anything is possible and imagination is greatly encouraged. At times this philosophy can be trying.
Some time ago Jacob welcomed imaginary dinosaurs into our household. Some are friendly but for the most part he insists on fighting them off. With a sword. His sword is anything he can pick up--a stick, a potato masher, train tracks, his sister's links--and brandish in his best swashbuckler manner. The end result is usually destruction of some sort or another or inflicted pain on either one of us or his sister--and the wily dinosaur always manages to escape.
Despite our repeated proclamations of "We don't hit!", confiscating the "sword" and multiple time outs, the behavior remains. So we attempted another route--all the while doing our best to maintain the idea that imagination is good.
If you're fighting imaginary dinosaurs then you need to use an imaginary sword.
No, Mommy. I need to use a real sword.
But real swords don't work on these dinosaurs. Just pretend.
Then this morning--after going over this whole concept once again, the little man had an answer for me.
Mommy, an imaginary sword won't work. I actually need something in my hand!
I have no counter-argument for that. Advice right now will be welcome. All you veteran parents out there--anything?
I thought the invisible sword was genius! Shame it didn't work!!
I like the 'actually' bit, Small Sprog does that word too!
Hmmm, perhaps you could get him a sponge sword that way it doesn't hurt so much if someone gets stabbed. I have to say though BOYS WILL BE BOYS, no matter how much you try to keep from genderizing them or shelter them. When Cody was a young lad (had to say that "young lad")...anyway, he wasn't allowed to watch anything violent, play anything violent, have toy guns...etc. This didn't stop him from pretending that he was a police officer or a dinosaur warrior (he loved dinosaurs). He would use sticks, his fingers or whatever else he could find that would make up for me not buying the actual toy. These were the few things this child would pretend. Cody was very unique in the sense that he RARELY pretended like most kids his age did. However, when he did play pretend, these would be the things that he would engage in.
So, I have no advice for you or no veteran wisdom, sorry. It's just in his makeup, HAVE FUN ;o)
make armour.
tiger does a line of cardboard covered with tin foil which she uses when the swords come out.
sorry, that's not very helpful, is it?!
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