Only a 7-month-old can get away with this look and make it adorable as apposed to a crime of fashion! The hardwood floors are brutal on tender little knees so I've been pulling out pants for her--that she wore this winter and are too short, but at least they cover her knees. Actually, don't they look like chic little baby capris?

In true fashionista style--Oh, is that the camera? Shall I do something cute and adorable?

At least she takes the time to chat with her fans and admirers!
This is a totally normal and cute look in Holland!
She's adorable, and looks like you!
Okay Girl, I've checked your blog every day since the 27th and I guess my browser has done some really weird stuff and I didn't even know you were posting since the 27th. All of a sudden I do a clean sweep on my cache and you have several days worth of posts that I'm going to have to catch up on. What's up with that?
OH and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE SEAN. You are such a cutie. And Dori, your beautiful little girl couldn't look more like you. I know I've said that before, but GOSH, she is the spitting image of you.
I'll catch up and post later. Have a great day! Oh and I not on your favorite list to visit anymore? Man...was it the Diarrhea Diaries that has embarrassed you??? Just kidding Dori. Talk to you soon girl!
Marit--I've always felt my own sense of style would be far more in place somewhere other than The South, US.
Gina--I was only trying to protect you! :) I realized I had actually never asked if it was okay to post your blog--and I know how you are with the whole privacy thing.
And, man, people! All I see when I look at my daughter is her daddy! I realize most of you don't know what he looks like since I'm under oath to never, ever publish his picture on the internet. Yeah, I broke the oath by putting his baby picture up. What can I say--I have issues with authority. :D
LOL Dori, it's okay. I only cried when I realized I wasn't on your enjoyable places anymore. HA, you are to sweet to think like that, but really it's okay.....and that baby LOOKS SO LIKE YOU IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY! I've seen your hubby a few times and I still say she looks as beautiful as you on any given day. :o)
We should hear about these issues with authority. I'm sure there are some incredible stories to be told (hahahhaha)
And yes, I felt all alone in blog world, but stupid me didn't realize I needed to clear my cache cause it was cluttered or something (sigh).
Talk to you soon
Oh so cute!! The capri look is perfect!
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