In one short year this tiny little bundle--all 6 and a half pounds of her--went from this...

to this...
And our family bonding time went from this...

to this...Kyleigh taste testing her new toys this morning.
Oh, and for the highly observant--that's Garnier Nutrisse "Sangria"
Happy Birthday little one!
and a happy birthday from me too! and in good dutch tradition, my congratulations to the happy parents and big brother!
Nice Color....awesome photos and HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLEIGH!!!!
Happy Birthday, sweet girl! Seems like yesterday my two were that small and they recently celebrated their 30th and 32nd birthdays. Good grief. And my grandbabies are growing up at supersonic speed, too. Treasure these days, Dori...they'll be gone before you know it. My grandsons have that same Fisher Price barn!
Happy birthday, little girl. My little girl will soon be turning 35. I hope your Mom enjoys every fun filled day with you and your brother.
far too fast you're right. Maternal hormones kicking and screaming at the photo. Husband will be getting lots of 'special cuddles' tonight...
Kyleigh says thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes--or something that we can say sounds like "thank you"!
Kris, just think of all the cool stuff you're getting to do with those grandbabies without the hold up of being the "mommy" and screwing up their lives! :D
MH, welcome to the loony farm! I take no responsibility for any...erm...outcome of your evening!
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