Tuesday, October 28, 2008

All about the girl

Going over the growth charts (something I still don't understand) at Kyleigh's 1-year-old doctor's visit last week Rational Doctor mentioned that while Kyleigh was gaining on her peers in height, she was losing ground in weight. Since Tall and Skinny does not run in this family--unless she was blessed with some sort of freaky dormant Amazon gene--she must therefore be Underweight. Just up her amount of solid foods and lower her amount of formula, the good doctor said, and don't fret about it.

Hi. Have we met? Of course I'm going to fret about it!

I admit that it's just been easier to give her a bottle than to sit down and work with her on eating. Ever since she discovered that she can pick up food and put it in her mouth she has refused to eat from a spoon. It's been a challenge finding finger foods that she can and will eat. I'm pretty sure that she cannot live on peas, pears, cheerios and toast alone. Though she has discovered the Food of the Gods which is Macaroni and Cheese. That one is acceptable as well.

So there we were at super tonight--warm and hearty beef stew prepared by my wonderful Husband--and Kyleigh was screaming. Shaking her high chair tray and chucking food down at the cat. And I did nothing but sat there and denied her her bottle. I eventually bribed her with a biscuit and fruit spread. When I finally did give her milk she drank like she hadn't had nourishment for days, weeks even.

I have accepted the fact that the child is determined to hold onto her bottle for a little while longer. She's been doing really well with a sippy cup for some time now--as long as it contains either water or juice. Milk Must Come With A Nipple. That is law. And so shall it be. For someone who really doesn't talk much, Kyleigh is quite capable of communicating and getting her point across. On her birthday I made the mistake of presenting her morning milk in a sippy cup. Given the distance it traveled after she hurled it across the room I'd say she gets her communication skills from me.


Marit said...

Practical me: you could maybe try putting porridge into her formula, so it becomes thin and drinkable but also more nourishing?

Dori said...

Actually tried that once or twice, Marit (welcome back, by-the-way!). She wouldn't go for it. Smart girl. I have made fairly thick oatmeal and she's picked that up and ate it--and played with the rest! :D

Tina said...

not sure if my previous comment went in so we will try again....

it will get better, it took Evan a while to give up his bottle. Finally we just did the "sippy cup or else " approach. Eating is also tricky. One day at a time!!!

Marit said...

just been doing a lot of lurking lately! But I am and remain a faithful follower of yours :-)

Millennium Housewife said...

Let's err on the side of rogue thin and skinny gene, problem solved (I am planning to market myself as an agony aunt, good thinking don't you think) MH

CB said...

I say don't sweat it...I know - easier said than done.

Knowing that Sean survived on catsup and Pepsi for most of his life, I can't imagine that your daughter will fare too poorly on peas, pears and toast.

Anonymous said...


Kailea would never eat baby food and she nursed until she was almost 2 1/2 years old, never for once taking a bottle or a sippy cup with milk in it. She wouldn't even think of it. I tried everything too! She looks pretty healthy to me and I would say as long as there isn't any physical repercussions then she'll eat when she is ready to.

Dori said...

Thanks all for the support!

CB, there's a reason you and your brother are such excellent cooks!

Captain Tightpants said...

and just to add from my side, don't take the last part of Dori's post wrong - Kyleigh doesn't have a temper, she just (like her mother!) is very good about making you know when you are not understanding her! I don't see that sort of determination as a bad thing at all! :D