Thursday, May 20, 2010


Jacob and I were in in the kitchen yesterday--rustling up some DE-licious peanut butter cookies--and I couldn't help but notice that his poor little apron (Home Depot smock) was really ratty and done. And what did I find this morning as I'm trip-trapping along on the interwebz?

(the picture belongs to Chef Tess Bakeresse...
but I wanted to show what she did just in case you don't want to follow the link)

Chef Tess has done it again--a tutorial on recycling a pair of cargo pants and creating a little boy's apron! Oh, and scroll down a couple of days and she'll show you an adorable little girl's apron too. So, excuse me while I go pull out the pair of too-short cargo pants I just put in the donate bag. And dust off the sewing machine. My creative side has been stagnant for way too long...


Suburbia said...

Looks fab, what a great idea?!

Chef Tess said...

Smooches for the shout out sweetie!