Saturday, February 28, 2009

And a "Good Day" to you too, Mr. Harvey!

The static of Voice of America being broadcast over my dad's shortwave radio usually woke me up in the mornings. Various news bits keeping us tied to happenings on the other side of the ocean. For the most part I ignored it. Except when Paul Harvey would come on. Then I would listen with rapt attention, anticipating the twist that would be "the rest of the story".

Years later, just prior to leaving for Navy boot camp, I lived with my grandparents. Gramps would come home for lunch everyday and we would eat our sandwiches and drink iced tea and listen to Paul Harvey on the radio. Gramps would always chuckle a little at the end.

I didn't always agree with his politics, but I supported his right to say what he felt he had to say--and to stand by his beliefs with respect to others, yet not back down. Maybe a fair number of radio talk show hosts should take note? However, radio and television would not be what they are today without Paul Harvey. For that, I believe we can all be grateful.

Mr. Harvey's trade mark voice and his heartfelt stories will be missed.


Anonymous said...

When we were in grade school our teacher taught us to take good notes by listening to Paul Harvey. I use that skill every day with my job a reporter.

Because of Love said...

And now you know the rest of the story.

Oh how I remember listening to that.

Rob-bear said...

And I remember "Good day." Years later, I recall the pronunciation of "day" had a noticeable upward inflection

One of the radio stations where I used to work would carry both of Harvey's daily pieces. Often I had to take them off the network feed.

Page 2.

He was good! He loved history, and made it both fun and real. He loved the modern world, with all it foibles. Hard to see that anyone could replace him.