Overheard in our house...
"I. Am. Going. To. Freeze my bootie off," I declare as I realize I'm pulling on a fairly warm--but not warm enough--coat over short sleeves to run out on a super fast errand this evening.
"Nah. You're a Tough Chick!" my loving husband retorts.
Confession time..."Meh, not so much...my weak, squishy interior is just cleverly disguised by an expansive and colorful vocabulary."
Perhaps we're kindred spirits -- I am actually extremely fragile, Husband only finally got it thru his thick skull a few years ago and now equates me with those spun glass sculptures: as a whole, quite able to stand alone and under a bit of pressure. But damage one fragile strand by itself and the whole thing can come tumbling down.
You rock, chica!
Being a kindred spirit to you, dear friend, isn't a bad thing.
You are too cute! I too have a "squishy interior!" Ha ha.
Thanks for stopping over at my blog, nice to meet ya!
me three,squishy on the inside tough on the outside(but easily cracked)
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