House keeping...
Early spring cleaning on the computer...backing up files to an external hard pictures. Of course, just like dusting a bookshelf around here, I linger over various ones...pausing, admiring...wondering at how quickly these little ones are growing and changing. And I also find gems like this one...
No idea where it originates from...but I like it.
Break time's over...I still have somewhere around 8,000 pictures to sort and file--all made complicated by two cameras using the same file numbers. And I'm thinking I should have sprung for the 2 tb hard drive...
I really like that saying! In fact, I've been "going green" with some of my old clothes and dolls from yesteryear for my daughter since my mom did such a great job preserving a lot of it.
I also see that saying as establishing traditions amongst the kids in having them get a chance to experience memories I've had but in their own way.
Good luck with all the files! It just makes my head hurt thinking about that!
Go download NoClone. It's affordable (we used to use the free version, but like the benefits of paid) and helps you sort out the duplicates. Of which we have tons, with 3 computers on the network and pictures stored all over!
Good luck.
We're not very technologically advanced around here, and I just recently broke down and got an external hard drive. I'm frightened to admit that I have over 5 years worth of photos saved to my ancient laptop and nowhere else. My New Year's project is to save all those pictures to the new hard drive, which also has an online backup feature. You know, just as soon as I figure out how the *&#* it works.
Which should be sometime in the next 12 months.
Good luck!
NoClone no work on Mac. It's not so much the duplicates, it's that file numbers from both cameras are sequenced together. I'm pulling stuff out by date--something Mac software makes very simple--there's just 4 years to go through. But I didn't lose anything. So, yea!
This is a great reminder and something my computer guy reminds me to do everytime I talk to him.A couple months ago my hardrive went bonkers on me and TG I had saved everything to a usb chip or else all my pics would have been bye bye cause I lost my camera!
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