I believe in miracles. I also believe that God is God and He does what He pleases. No amount of pettiness on the part of us humans will change that. Laws against praying in schools won't keep Him out of those schools. Separation of church and state won't keep Him out of our government--just the pontificating evangelists who have no business there anyway.
I believe that children are the most precious beings on this earth. I believe there's an extra crispy level in hell for those that harm these innocent ones--whether intentionally or by some stupid, thoughtless act. I believe God agrees...suffer the little children unto me and all that.
I sneaked into the hospital tonight. Visitation is restricted, for obvious reasons. But the baby's mom is one of my dearest friends. My heart needed to watch Brandon breath in and out. To look into his tiny little eyes. To see his heartbeat. I also changed his diaper...just one more verification that this angel is still of this world. And then I watched as he closed his eyes and slept.
It's been an emotional day. Remember that line from "Tombstone"? The one where one of the deputies asks Doc Holliday why he's out fighting for Wyatt Earp when he can hardly stand himself?
Because he's my friend.
Hell, Doc...I've got lots of friends.
I don't.
I know a fairly large number of people. The ones that are in that circle I call Friends are few. And one of them has just moved into the hospital for, at the very least, two weeks to be with her 3-week-old infant son. She is blessed with a large and--more importantly--local family. Her two other children and dog moved in with her parents (and the four other siblings still living at home). Her husband is scheduled to go back to work on Friday. I have a funny feeling the nurses are going to get to know me pretty well.
Text just a few minutes ago..."spike in fever, may be transferred to picu, head ultra sound in the morning."
I believe there are a lot a people who also believe in miracles. I believe the internet is a pretty big place with a whole lot of people in it. Are prayers stronger if 1 million join together to pray than just my voice alone? I don't have a clue. But I'm certainly up for the experiment.

***Monday morning update***
Brandon had a good night. He nursed this morning...alert and active. Blood culture came back clean--no infection to be found in his blood. Doctor informed them that it'll probably be another 24 hours before they get the fever under control. Head of pediatric infectious disease at the Medical College of Virginia is looking after him. He's in good hands...physical and spiritual.
Thank you all for the prayers and positive thoughts! Someone's listening.
Count me in! I too believe that children, especially newborns, are divine gifts and should be treated as such.
My heart breaks for the stress your dear friend is experiencing and seeing such a precious bundle in such a sterile environment. PLEASE keep up informed on how he's doing!
Now I want to go give my children extra kisses...
haunting hospitals brings back memories of my own haunts. Thank God for friends like you! (((HUGS)))
Wishing hard Dori.
(Love your thoughts on life and our world)
We'd be honored to pray for your friend, her family and her little boy. And we'd pass it along to other members of our church as well.
Amen, Dori. A family in our church had the same kind of crisis when their youngest daughter, just an infant, was diagnosed with the same thing. It was touch and go for awhile and Deborah was desperately ill. But we as a worldwide church family banded together and prayed for her. She is now a beautiful vibrant and WHOLE woman of around 30 years old. God did answer prayer then and I know He's still answering prayer now. As soon as I post this I will go to my church's website and put this darling little fellow on our Prayer List. Rest assured that Dear Hubby and I will be praying for him and your friend and her family. (((((HUG)))))
And my husband quotes that line from "Tombstone" a lot, too. We're both the same way...tons of acquaintances but TRUE friends are counted on both hands.
Praying here as well.
Children are little pieces of heaven, and I'm praying for him. Amazing quote, by the way. Really resonates with me.
My family is praying for your friend, her baby, and for you. May God bless and hold all of you.
Praise the Lord and THANK GOD he is getting moms milk through it all!!!!! How scary, scary, scary. Meningitis can be a very ugly and even fatal thing. I am saying a quick prayer right now :)
My heart was aching so badly reading through this post and then to see the hopeful update at the end is great! I cannot handle anything to do with a child that is ill or harmed in some way. I pray that he makes a full recovery. I wish parents never had to experience the pain of losing a child or even seeing the suffering of a child. This was a beautifully written post.
My prayers are with you also--I have a cousin who was in and out of the hospital for weeks, starting when she was ten days old, with various sicknesses, and my own sister contracted a urinary tract infection when she was two weeks old. So tell that mommy to keep praying!!!
Praying with you!
I am over from Kris's blog. I am so glad to see he is doing better. I so agree with you about a hotter hell for anyone that harms a child.
We'll keep praying...Miracles happen every day!
Praise God! In my corner of the world, I have people all OVER the world praying for him. God is definitely in control!
Just catching up. So sorry to hear about this precious baby boy. He will be in my thoughts and prayers. God is mighty and I know that He will hold Brandon and his family in His mighty hand and hold them up. Please keep us updated. (And know that I am praying for you too, because I know it can be hard to be a supportive, encouraging friend in moments like these.)
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