Friday, April 17, 2009

Springtime at Kimbilio

Not a whole lot left for me to do with regards to the race tomorrow except set my alarm and make it out to the state park by 6 in the a.m. Oy.

So, yesterday...we played.

Jacob very much enjoyed the tire swing with Maia. Soon all of that undergrowth will be lush and green with poison ivy and oak.

If you ask Jacob where the tire came from he will tell you that one day he and Kokoo walked down the road to Mr. Mike The Man Who Lives At The Junkyard and they found a tire there for the tire swing. A motorcycle tire. But one day he wants to go visit a junkyard where nobody lives and he'll pick out stuff to make other stuff.

Dogwoods just starting to open up.

Cousins enjoying a beautiful spring day. Of course, Jacob was cold so he borrowed Aunt Donia's sweatshirt. Which dragged in the water when he and Maia went down to the river. And Maia sacrificed her phone when she choose (wisely) to catch Jacob before he fell in. All in all, a fun day. Thanks, guys!


sockgrl said...

but my phones fine so all is good :)

Anonymous said...

Glad the kid was rescued and the phone is fine.