Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sharp dressed man...

I really want to wear a tie for picture day!

You don't own a tie.

But we can get one, right?

Yeah...but it's not just a tie.  It's the button down shirt to go with it.  And you don't own one of those either.

Seriously..."Sunday best" in this house is, "Are your jeans clean and hole free?" Good. Go.  Which is actually a little ironic when you think about it...because one would think holy jeans would be the very definition of "Sunday best." Or maybe that's just me.

The hunt for a tie took place on Saturday.  And by "hunt" I mean, of course, one kiddo clothes resale store and then Target.  No luck on the tie but he did pick up two snazzy button down shirts at the resale store.

He really, really wanted to wear a tie.  I have no idea where my children get this from!  I'm pretty much a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal.  But I do know how to google.  I found a wonderful little tutorial on cutting down a man's tie and making a boy size tie.  His dad donated a man size tie to the cause and, et voila...one happy boy for picture day!

He did wear a t-shirt underneath the other shirt so after pictures he can lose the tie and button down shirt.  Now that part he gets from me!

The goofiness? I totally blame that on his dad!

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