Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm a believer...

Yesterday afternoon--following a night and day of being miserable and battling a stubborn fever--my son popped positive for the 'flu. After supper I went out and picked up his prescription for Tamiflu. Gave him his initial dose along with Advil and put him to bed.

This morning? No fever. No 'flu symptoms. Runny nose and coughing a little. But the little man has literally been bouncing off the walls all day. And his dad? Who did not go to the doctor and get the wonder drug? Still mostly dead.


Suburbia said...

So glad he's better, it's such a worry when they are ill. Any Tamiflu left for Dad?!

Julia said...

I gave you a blogging award over on my site - go check it out! (When you are done being an excellent nurse, of course). :)