Or maybe I'm just grumpy after sitting there and "aiding" my son with his gazillion valentine's cards for Every. Single. Child. in his school...and his teachers. And our art box is woefully lacking in all things Cute and Heartsy.
Oh, he had big plans...there was going to be Cutting and Drawing and Painting and Glitter and Sparkles...we scrounged up a scrap of red construction paper and cut out big green and white hearts with crinkle scissors, smaller pink and red hearts with holes punched in them...stacked and glued them and called it Done. I managed to stop myself before I slapped on the foam Halloween skeletons...

I feel the same way! I actually get these grand schemes of creative craftiness, only to realize that I lack:
1- the talent
2- supplies
The print-out I made for my kiddies to decorate for their friends is still sitting next to the printer...you're steps ahead of me!
so glad my kids dont have to worry about that anymore!
kind of wish you had gone with the skeletons... And not having to fool with class sets of Valentines is right up there on my check-off list with kids fixing their own cereal and bathing themselves!
Blech. Valentine's Day. I am SO cynical, considering at least half of 'happily ever afters' never get that far. I'm blessed to be married to my Valentine every day of the year...well, MOST days, hahaha! But just like Mother's Day and any other day we're told we HAVE to acknowledge people...it's a lot of hype. And a lot of dollars in retailers' pockets. Just like greeting cards. When you come from dysfunctional families, how do you find a card for close relationships that never happened? Maybe I oughta start my OWN card line, ha! Oh, and HAPPY VALENTINE'S Day!!!! ;-P
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