Beach trip summer of '74...check out the rides on top!
Since they were snowbound without the grandchildren this weekend, my parents spent a lot of time scanning in old slides...and sharing them with the rest of us. Pictures I had no idea even existed. Can't wait to see what else they dig up!
haha,you so were! old fam pics are the best,we had one of those station wagons too,with 7 kids they came in handy.wonder if that green color was the only color they came in cause we had the same color.
OMG, we had that same car only in cream. I think it was a Malibu Classic and it rocked. The third row of seats faced the cars behind you and my sister and I used to write things with crayon and hold it up for the cars behind us. Hilarious! We had all kinds of very long and often tediously boring road trips as well. My dad always wanted to see trains and nobody else did. Yawn. Still remembering our makeshift kids potty for on the road and the burn of the vinyl car seats when you sat down in the summer. Yeowwwww!!! How awesome these pictures you are able to see again. You'll have to post some more if you can :)
haha,you so were! old fam pics are the best,we had one of those station wagons too,with 7 kids they came in handy.wonder if that green color was the only color they came in cause we had the same color.
OMG, we had that same car only in cream. I think it was a Malibu Classic and it rocked. The third row of seats faced the cars behind you and my sister and I used to write things with crayon and hold it up for the cars behind us. Hilarious! We had all kinds of very long and often tediously boring road trips as well. My dad always wanted to see trains and nobody else did. Yawn. Still remembering our makeshift kids potty for on the road and the burn of the vinyl car seats when you sat down in the summer. Yeowwwww!!! How awesome these pictures you are able to see again. You'll have to post some more if you can :)
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