Friday, December 18, 2009

Overheard in our house last night...

"Mommy, you have two pairs of pants on!"

"Yes. Yes I do."

"Why are you wearing two pairs of pants?" His expression implying this was the strangest thing he'd ever seen in his 4 and a half years on this earth--because, apparently, my son is the Prince of Normal.

"In the winter Mommy wears two pairs of pants because she cannot handle being cold. I get grumpy when I get cold. And then I start trolling the internet for last minute great deals on trips to the Seychelles...and then your father gets grumpy. So, in an effort to save our blessed matrimonial union, I wear long underwear from October to March."

Jacob declares as he erupts in a fit of giggles, "You said underwear! That's a Potty Word!"


Natalie said...

That's too funny! I've lived in a cold climate all my life and have yet to feel adjusted to it.

Marit said...

smile :-)

Melanie said...

100% with you there. My Cuddl Duds are my most valuable possession on the winter and reason I am able to live somewhere other than Southern California or Arizona. But not Florida because I hate humidity almost as much as I hate the cold. I'm a weather diva, I admit it.

Dori said...

Melanie, the one winter we lived in Florida--it SNOWED. (?!?!?!) And my only mode of transportation was the motorcycle. It sucked. But, yeah...this is pretty much as far south as my liberal leanings can handle. And we can't live in Arizona because Sean's mom lives there. :D