So...go ahead...ask me how I spent my afternoon. Go ahead. Well, since you asked, I spent my afternoon trekking back upstairs to direct a very stubborn and very sleepy 2-year-old to Get. Back. In. Bed. Please. Every time I went up she was on her way back to the bed and told me, "Kyleigh back to bed". Slow and Ignorant are not words used to describe this child. She knew the drill. But it was Freedom and Boundaries and these must be tested. She finally conked out and managed a two hour nap.
My children share a room. Yes, it's a four bedroom house but it's two upstairs and two downstairs. I'm just not ready to have an entire floor between me and my children at night. No way. No how. And they've done just fine being in the same room. As long as one of them was contained in a crib. Last night there was some wandering. Jacob informed me this morning that Kyleigh got up to check on him a couple of times but he told her to go back to bed. He's so sweet.
This morning Jacob initiated his little sister in the rites of Free Roaming Toddler...he helped carry her blankets down as he instructed her to bring her baby and her water bottle, he then turned on PBS Kids and informed her that now they sit and wait for Mommy to come downstairs and make their Warm Chocolate Milk. Sure enough...there they both were on the couch, wrapped up in their blankets with Baby and Kitty, watching Sesame Street and waiting patiently for their morning libation. My babies. All growed up. Almost made me cry.

So sweet. Just wait. Rights of passage get cooler... like Firefly initiations & inevitably turning your teen into a Browncoat. =)
Firefly initiation? Done. Jacob already asks to watch "Daddy's Spaceship Movie"...fortunately we are well aware of each and every episode content and pick the good ones. :D
Maybe they'll grow up cussing in Chinese! ;)
That's precious! It's also why my 19 month old went from a few days in her big girl bed back to her crib because she kept falling out and wandering around aimlessly. That was a few months ago so maybe after Christmas I'll let her grow up....
too sweet...remember that when they're ripping into each other!
I know both of those feelings.. The frustration of "why won't she just stay in that bed and go to sleep!!!!" and the bittersweet moments of babies getting too big.
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