Random observation...
You know those family stick figure stickers? The ones typically found on minivan rear windows? There was such an adorned minivan in front of me at a rather long red light this morning and I couldn't help but notice something was missing. The "mom" sticker wasn't there. Stick Dad was there...he was the one holding the golf bag. Stick sisters...girl with soccer ball and girl in tiara and tutu. Stick Pets even. And a very noticeable gap between Stick Dad and Stick Daughter. And a man was driving the van.
How messy does a divorce have to be for the dad to not only get the minivan, but to scrape off the Stick Mom. What line did she cross for him to be all, that's it--you're off the rear window!?
I was driving behind a minivan the other day in traffic and there were 7 skick kids trailing behind the mom and dad sticks, as well as 2 dogs and 3 cats! It basically worked it's way from one end of the window to the other.
Wow. Just... wow.
I sympathize with that family....poor guy, having to explain to his kids "Oh, mommy must have blown off on the parkway or something...."
Well...not to be gross, but how do you know it was divorce?
And if it was divorce and not the other big "D", if she was a skank, I could see it. Skank seems to be the new black lately or something.
I'll just leave it at that;)
That's incredibly sad. It's definitely an image that implies a story.
It was a rare moment in the car all by myself...and the story was rolling through my head.
Other D? Deceased? I don't know...I guess of the people I know who have lost spouses, it just didn't come across as something they would have done.
TD...all the way across the window? At some point, enough is enough. Sheesh. Says the woman who's Cherokee is plastered with window and bumper stickers. But mine MEAN something! :)
Wow, I've always thought those stick figures were messed up anyway.
We know a couple who have said stickers, but the wife is a dwarf (literally) so her sticker is of a small person. Doesn't really explain the gap, though, on the one you saw, huh?
Well, maybe you are looking at the glass half empty view of this? Seriously. My husband and I have a thing we call "Creative Explanations." This means when one of us gets all disgusted and annoyed at something or someone, the other one of us thinks that there may be a good reason behind something that we hadn't thought of. Like, honestly, maybe the mom died? Maybe, the man is a foster dad and is doing this alone? Maybe one of the kids loves mom so much she picked the mom sticker off when the car was parked in the driveway and its stuck to the side of her bike? OR maybe it started to come off in the car wash leaving only the moms stick pelvis and the father felt it was inappropriate and ripped the whole thing off and just ordered another one? Never, never, know. Really don't. Oh, MAYBE, the mom was a real loser and now dad has a nice girlfriend and she felt sad that there was the old moms sticker on the back of the car? Really never know :)
I never liked those stick figure thingies, anyway. "Hello, Mr. Pedophile! Here's a handy way for you to tell how many kids I have. Oh, and the "My child is an honor student at BLANK Elementary" bumper sticker tells you where they go to school, too!" Ugh.
Some of those things have names underneath each figure, to boot.
Val, I find I need to determine what's IN the glass before I decide whether it's half full or empty...
Maybe the mommy sticker is on some other car with a different spineless bastard man sticker. Hypothetically.
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