Saturday, November 30, 2013

Crossing the streams...

So, I have this other other hobby and it keeps me rather busy.  It even has it's own blog devoted to it...mainly for my mom's benefit so she can see the pictures.  But, since there's little else right now I can post about (not that I don't want's just that I, well...can't since I'd really like for himself and I to remain employed), I thought I'd share, for those who are unaware of this other other hobby, on here.

I bake.  And then I play.

Sometimes I play whimsically...

Sometimes elegantly and princess-like...

Sometimes my inner cowgirl emerges...

Other times I simply go along with what was requested...

My favorites are when I get to decide...

Or sneak in a homage to my own favorite superhero...

I tell people that everything I've ever learned about working with modeling chocolate, fondant or gumpaste I learned whilst playing with play dough...

Then there was the time I had to add the warning about everyone's poop turning black...

And then there are the ones that stress me because I sincerely believe one of my super powers is the ability to complicate the simple! But once I go back to the Simple, it all works out...

There are also the cakes where the entire experience could be used as a Sunday morning object lesson.  Everything and anything that could possibly go wrong, did.  And then there was Gravity.  And Humidity. And yet, out of all of that...adorable perfection....

Then, sometimes...just sometimes...I actually listen to that inner voice and keep it all simple...

 There are also the ones that have taken me way out of my comfort zone and I've discovered that my comfort zone is far larger than originally thought...

I take it favorites are the ones I get to create for my own kiddos...

The son of a friend never ever said a single word to me in the year since I met him...until he asked me for a Spiderman birthday cake.  Like I'm going to deny that kind of adorableness?

The excited email I received from a sister of a friend who saw a cake I had done and she was wondering if I could possibly make one just like it for her son's 2nd birthday because he loves animals and it would perfect for the farm themed birthday party! Seriously, I don't think she took a single breath the entire time she was typing...

Actually, I still think it's pretty amazing that people pay me to play with my food, or rather, their food (even better!)  Pretty much the best "job" ever.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Returning guests...

In the quiet hours of the evening, if one stands at the base of the stairs in the dining room one can hear the faint sound of a child singing.

Both children are sound asleep and, should one choose to investigate, one would discover that the singing isn't coming from either of their rooms.

Sometimes, on a chilly autumn night, the smell of pipe tobacco smoke wisps by in the upstairs hallway.

Footsteps can be heard on the stairs when all creatures great, small, and furry are tucked in for the night.

I don't begrudge them coming in from the cold.  But I'm much more comfortable with them when there's another flesh and blood and, more importantly, fully on this side of the Wall, human in the house with me when they do choose to visit.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Celebrating autumn...

Two large, old Hawthorn Maples in the front yard...
we put up with their intrusive roots for the shade in the summer 
and massive leaf piles in the fall.

Never even made it inside from the bus stop.

Pure childhood joy!

This face.  I adore it!

My sunshine girl.  Love her!