Yoda zen...
My delightful first born painted a flower pot, filled it with soil, planted it with flower seeds and gave it to me for Mother's Day.
I was thrilled to see two tiny little leaves from a shoot popping up the other morning. Only to be crushed the next day when I saw the tiny sprout laying on its side and wilted...then...I looked a little closer...
And, yes...I may have a little too much time on my hands right now...either that, or five years of sleep deprivation are finally catching up to me...
If it was truly "Yoda Zen," wouldn't it be, "Another...there...is"? Sorry, I guess I have a little too much time on my hands too...and I'm married to a HUGE Star Wars fan.
Ha...then your Star Wars geek will be able to tell you that it's a direct quote. :)
My two little grandguys are having the time of their lives with our back yard garden. We've got zucchini coming up right now, and spotted a blossom this afternoon on one of the tomato plants. I'll be lucky if I have any flowers left in bloom...can't tell you how many times during the day when we're out there I'll hear, "Here's another beautiful flower for you, Grandma!" and I'll turn to find a daisy or columbine or whatever clutched in a grubby hand. How, I wonder, do you deny them the pleasure of THAT?! I have a little cup on the counter with all the flowers they give me, including countless dandelions they pluck on our walks. Pure gold, and priceless.
I remember those painted flower pots made in school, and the same disappointment when the sprout wilted. :)
But...I still have the pots; even a broken one that I dropped. Oops. :)
Aww! How sweet. Congrats on the wee sprouts, from your wee sprout :)
Well, you're right about the quote! Was informed that it's when Yoda is talking about Luke's twin sister, Leah, and then he went off on some random tangent about Star Wars in general, so I ended up with a whole can of Jedi worms that would really help keep your pot aerated (sp?). May the force be with you!
Natalie...so sorry am I...open a threshold of Yoda quotes was unintended...and...unfortunate...
5 years sleep deprivation? Got to get better soon :-)
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