My husband and I tend to our various chores while the youngest family member naps (and for the record--I have not ever been, nor will I ever be, an advocate for "normal"...just sayin')...
Jacob and I spent this afternoon planting seedlings and installing tee-pee trellises for the tomatoes and okra...
Notice the creative use of the zip-ties...and the over achieving bush beans...
Of course, I wouldn't I didn't include pictures of flowers.
Previous owners planted roses. I'm shocked and amazed I haven't killed them (the roses...not the previous owners).
We also inherited a patch of iris...I really need to thin these out later this year once they die back. There are some bare spots left in the yard that could do with a vibrant splash of purple.
What a great garden already! We're just starting to get green grass again and trees are still in the bud stage, but everyday we've enjoyed spring flowers (though I was scared after a snowstorm to even look out the window earlier this week). Beautiful pictures!
What a great garden already! We're just starting to get green grass again and trees are still in the bud stage, but everyday we've enjoyed spring flowers (though I was scared after a snowstorm to even look out the window earlier this week). Beautiful pictures!
I keep picking wee little baby greens and munching on them. So delicious!
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