I attended a wedding this afternoon. I really don't go to too many and I've only ever been a member of a wedding party once (my sister's). Today I wore a dress. And heels. I figured writing it down here was as good as marking it on the calendar. I honestly don't recall the last time I wore a dress. Or heels. And I must have set some sort of record for the time it took me to get Kyleigh out of her car seat, into the house, up the stairs and back into sports bra, jeans and t-shirt. husband is a lucky, lucky man.
Indeed he is!
I'm all for comfort when it comes to clothing, but especially when it comes to shoes. If my feet hurt, I'm miserable all over.
but writing it down just is not enough! pictures please, to do you justice :-)
Now this I can't really relate to, because I love wearing cute clothes. And I really defy the odds of gravity and common sense by still wearing heels while pregnant...thrown off equilibrium and all!
Your hubby's lucky because you're smart, especially as a mother of young children!
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