Even though there was nothing that had to get done--plenty was done. Couch cushion forts morphed into spaceships. Pancakes were made and consumed by all. Rousing games of Hide & Seek, Red light/Green light (with Purple light thrown in by the 2-year-old), hours spent creating Play-doh snakes, fish and monkeys...
All those years spent being a Responsible Adult? This is my reward. I'll take it over a gold watch any day!
Gold watch? Hmmm. Anyway, I love the not much happening days and I yearn for the days when both mine can play together like yours are now. Feel a bit off kilter with so much attention going to baby. I LOVE pancake days. Do you remember when it started to change?
Gold watch...flashy reward for "thanks for the job well done" and hearty handshake...
You know, I don't really remember when it all shifted...but one day I heard them playing together. Lasted about 5 seconds. But it was amazing! It does make a huge difference with Jacob being in school in the mornings--Kyleigh gets my full attention then during her nap time, Jacob gets my full attention. Then chaos reigns before and after supper time! :) Hang in there! I'm not about to say it gets easier--but it does shift and change.
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