Friday, June 5, 2009

job hazard...

Sean worked past supper time last night...which meant I was responsible for feeding our children. Actually managed more than grilled cheese sandwiches...for once.

Sebastian T. Cat has very few responsibilities in this house--what with him being old, diabetic and basically two pee puddles away from being a throw rug. But his One Job he takes very seriously: Cleaning Up After The Child.

He shows up for work right on time. Every meal time. The meals where he has somehow managed to sleep through the gleeful exclamations of the children as I serve them yet another meal they won't eat, he comes bounding down the stairs whining at me like he can't believe I did not stop what I was doing and go wake him up for his One Job.

Like any job, it is not without its hazards...

I helped him out...after I sat and laughed my bootie off at his attempt to eat the spaghetti off of his own head.


Elise said...

that girlies smile is just amazing!
and the cat!!!!

Suburbia said...

Wonderful, great pics and so funny!! '2 pee puddles away from being a throw rug'?!!! Love it!

Momma Val said...

Funny, we have a dog for that. Though we had cats as a kid who never did that. You're cat is really more like our dog. The instant we are eating or something hits the floor, here he comes. Ta! Ha! Cute kiddo too!

Dori said...

When she eats in the kitchen the dog is poised and ready! He's just not allowed around the dining room table on account of the fact that he could rest his chin on the table if he so chose to take his life in his own paws that way!

And, yeah...she is pretty stinkin' cute!

Because of Love said...

I was going to say that is our dog's job too. Bubba, our cat, just sits and watches it all.

That picture of your daughter makes me smile!

Donia said...

look at Kyleigh working that camera! Like she worked Uncle Billy last night--what was up with that? I didn't get a kiss goodnight from her...